Inspired by the experiences of myself and many, many others, Vellum recounts the story of a medieval monk who’s spent years creating beautiful illuminated manuscripts – only to discover that their value is being diverted to suit other peoples’ agendas. What does he do about it? What would you do if it happened to you? What DID you do when it happened to you?
This is my debut performance of Vellum, at the Light Up Festival in Milton Keynes, England, in November. Music once again by my brother in prog-poetry, Jacob Holm Lupo. Photography by Mark Jepson and Adam Dokhan. Produced by Andy Glass.
Vellum appears in my anthology Signal Violet, on sale now in print and ebook versions. While you can purchase it via many online outlets, almost all of them take a bigger cut than they give me from the price. If you buy via Lulu I get the relatively fairest cut. Thank you!