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On Hearing Vaughn Williams’ Fantasia in Gloucester Cathedral

December 31, 2022

I lost this jaw-dropping piece of music many years ago.. I just found it again.

Ever had that thing where you rediscover a piece of music you’d lost long ago, and it’s like reuniting with an old friend? In 1999 I remember being completely torn to bits by the BBC Symphony Orchestra’s rendition of Ralph Vaughn Williams’ Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis. I just found it again this morning (December 31).

Inspired by a psalm written by Tallis in 1567, Vaughn Williams wrote the 17-minute piece, specifically for the acoustics of Gloucester Cathedral. He physically arranged the musicians to make the most of the church acoustics for its premiere in 1910. Nearly eight decades later the BBC orchestra – conducted by Andrew Davis – recreated the premiere as accurately as possible. (I remember something about the specific instructions having gone missing before being rediscovered, which made the performance possible, but I might have made that up in my own retelling).

Anyway, relationships, time, house moves and focuses all change, and I lost the overplayed CD version that had come with BBC Music Magazine. I also lost track of the details of the performance, and despite looking for it over the years, couldn’t define it accurately enough to find it among the many other versions Fantasia – one of the most popular English compositions of the 20th century.

When I found the clip on YouTube around 5am today, it all came flooding back. The magic and majesty, of both the music and the setting, plus the intent in staging the performance in the first place. It’s always been a magnificent piece, but to imagine you’re hearing it the way Vaughn Williams himself did, nearly 113 years ago… Well, it’s inspiring, isn’t it?

I wrote this wee poem in about 20 minutes, based on the inspiration of memories of what I'd heard first time, and also perhaps on my understanding of what it’s come to mean to me. Ultimately, I suppose, it doesn’t matter too much; but come on, when a little magic from (just about) half your lifetime ago dances back in, why not indulge the moment?

Our eyes stayed closed and absent

Blank faces to the roof 

Till hands, with gentle motion

Called strings to speak the truth…

And with the calmest tremor

Tallis spoke anew:

A tale that last was woven

A hundred years ago

The cathedral filled with colour!

Cascading echoes shone!

Fantasia blazed among us all ~

Ancient notes reborn

And spirits woke from slumber

Beneath the storied floor

Roused by marvellous melody

Remembered from before

Just seventeen, the minutes were

Before it had to end;

Yet never was a saddening shadow

E’er so dark again.

Give it a listen – I dares ya.

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