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Mooring up

November 18, 2020

With a lockdown imminent, and being aware of how the last one brought supply issues to the cut while people struggled to adjust to the new normal, I decided to book into my old marina for a couple of months. The cruise back was pleasant – with no one around, the sense of increasing tension and doubt was gone.

Mooring up to the berth involved a multi-point turn. It was sort of like a jigsaw puzzle in that I had to fit a certain shape in a certain space, while other shapes got in the way: other boats, the mooring pontoons, the edges of the canal. Like everything else on the cut, it takes a while. But when I posted the clip on Facebook a lot of people commented on the relaxing vibe it seemed to suggest. There was even talk of a much-admired artist's music being attached to the clip for maximum effect. It didn't happen, but perhaps you'll enjoy the clip anyway.

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